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The Conditioner is most probably Bernhard Zeller, member #87978234 of the United Plumbers & Pipetapers Union (although he would never admit it). Luminaries such as Lazar Prettymountain and Okrah Wingsneeze have touted Zeller (or whomever it really is) as changing the ambient music game, and credit him (or her or them) for making HVAC units more musically accesible.


"The Condish gave me the confidence to pursue my own passion."

––– Machine-3

ambient/industrial producer


Review written by Rik Pollen

Edited by Cymru Roberts

All artwork by Thomas Davis

Most rights reserved. ©2030 Samson & Press


The Conditioner — A6X06F2A-K [6000 BTU Cooling] {insulated plenum}

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